Quick guide to Axis datasheets

March, 2024


Axis Communications adheres to the applicable industry standards and compliance standards for all products that are brought to market. This document supplements Axis datasheets with definitions and short descriptions of acronyms, approvals, certifications, and protocols found therein.

This document provides information about the datasheet sections that are highlighted and zoomed in below.

Highlighting the Axis datasheet sections that are in focus of this document.


The approvals section in Axis datasheets relates to compliance to various standards. The section is usually divided into subsections for EMC, Safety, Environment, Network, and Other, where “Other” may refer to explosion protection or security in access control. There can also be a subsection for approvals that concern the midspan, in cases where a midspan is sold with the product.

EMC (Electromagnetic compatibility)

All network video manufacturers must declare the EMC of their network video products. Under some circumstances manufacturers can self-certify, but most manufacturers use accredited test laboratories that provide a report to verify compliance. EMC approvals are based on two parts, emission and immunity.

Emission refers to the ability of equipment to function satisfactorily without emitting too much electromagnetic energy that can disturb other equipment in that environment.

Immunity is a measure of the ability of electronic products to tolerate the influence of electromagnetic phenomena and electrical energy (radiated or conducted) from other electronic products. In Europe, EMC is included in the CE mark, which in turn is included in the EU’s harmonization legislation.

The standards listed below define limits and test methods for electromagnetic emissions and immunity tests. As there is not one test that covers compliance globally, there can be different codes for different regions or applications.

Information Technology Equipment (ITE) standards

These standards apply to multimedia equipment (MME) that has an AC or DC supply voltage not exceeding 600 V. Multimedia equipment (MME) is defined as Information technology equipment (ITE), audio equipment, video equipment, broadcast receiver equipment, and entertainment lighting control equipment.

  • EN 55032 Class A: emission standard (commercial, industrial, business), harmonized with international standards

  • EN 55032 Class B: emission standard (residential), harmonized with international standards

  • EN 55035: immunity standard, harmonized with international standards

Harmonized standards by country/region

  • EN 61000-6-1 and EN 61000-6-2: generic standards for compliance (Europe)

  • FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class A and B: FCC stipulates rules and regulations for telecommunication devices, referring to emission, not immunity (United States)

  • ICES-3(A and B)/NMB-3(A and B) (Canada)

  • VCCI Class A and B (Japan)

  • KS C 9832 Class A and B, KS C 9835, KS C 9547, KS C 9815 (Korea)

  • RCM AS/NZS CISPR 32 Class A and B (Australia/New Zealand)

Additional standards by application/product

  • EN 50121-4, IEC 62236-4: provides performance criteria for signaling and telecommunications apparatus which may interfere with other apparatus in the railway environment

  • EN 50130-4: applies to the components of alarm systems, including access control systems, CCTV systems, fire detection and fire alarm systems, hold-up alarm systems, intruder alarm systems, social alarm systems

  • EN 50121-3-2: Applies to the electromagnetic compatibility, i.e., immunity and emission requirements, of electrical and electronic apparatus used on railway applications.


  • The Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/EU): provides broad objectives for the safety of electrical equipment. Ensures products are safe to use without risk of personal injury or property damage.

  • IEC/EN/UL 62368-1: compliance of network cameras, encoders, power supplies to requirements intended to reduce risks of fire, electric shock or injury for anyone who might come into contact with the equipment. This safety requirement applies to both indoor and outdoor equipment.

  • IEC/EN 62471-1: photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems requirements for exposure limits, prevents hazard to eyes and skin

  • IS 13252: India specific compliance of network cameras, encoders, power supplies to requirements intended to reduce risks of fire, electric shock or injury for anyone who might come into contact with the equipment

  • UN ECE R118: ensures fire safety through specific standards requirements for equipmens used and mounted in vehicles.

  • EN 45545-2: This standard ensures that materials and components used on railway applications meet specific fire behavior requirements. It includes several test procedures that are determined by the type of train, application, and positioning (exterior or interior).

  • NFPA 130.: fire safety standard for rolling stock in the United States, ensuring safety standard requirements for rail systems, including stations, vehicles, emergency procedures, communication systems, and trainways.

  • NOM-001-SCFI-2018: safety requirements and test methods for electronic equipment that are manufactured, imported, sold, or distributed in Mexico.

  • CSA/UL 62368-1:2019: safety standard for electrical and electronic audio, video, or information and communication technology equipment, that has a maximum voltage of 600 V.


IP rating

The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standard IEC 60529 defines IP (ingress protection) ratings as a two-digit code. The code defines the level of protection of electrical appliances against the intrusion of solid objects or dust, accidental contact, and water.

IP ratings - the first digit after IP: foreign solid objects
LevelProtected againstEffective against
0Not protectedNo protection
1Objects larger than 50 mmLarge surface of the body such as back of the hand, but no protection against deliberate contact with a body part.
2Objects larger than 12.5 mmFingers or other objects can penetrate as far as 80 mm assuming it is safe from hazardous parts. Objects with a diameter of 12.5 mm cannot penetrate fully.
3Objects larger than 2.5 mmObjects, such as tools and thick wires, cannot penetrate at all.
4Objects larger than 1 mmObjects, such as wires and screws, cannot penetrate at all.
5Dust protectedIngress of dust is not completely prevented, but dust does not enter in sufficient quantity to interfere with satisfactory operation of the equipment.
6Dust tightNo ingress of dust.
IP ratings - the second digit after IP: liquids
LevelProtected againstEffective against
0Not protectedNo special protection
1Dripping waterDripping water (vertically falling drops) has no harmful effect.
2Dripping water when tilted up to 15°Vertically dropping water has no harmful effect when the enclosure is tilted at any angle up to 15° from its normal position.
3Spraying waterWater falling as spray at an angle up to 60° from the vertical has no harmful effect.
4Splashing waterWater splashed against the enclosure from any direction has no harmful effect.
5Water jetsWater projected from a nozzle against the enclosure from any direction has no harmful effect.
6Powerful water jetsWater from heavy seas or water projected in powerful jets cannot enter the enclosure in harmful quantities.
7Brief immersion in waterIngress of water in a harmful quantity cannot be possible when the enclosure is immersed in water under defined conditions of pressure and time.
8Continuous submersion in waterThe equipment is suitable for continuous submersion in water under conditions that shall be specified by the manufacturer. The conditions must be harsher than for IPX7 (see previous).
9Protection against hot water with high pressureWater directed at the housing from any angle with high temperature and under very high pressure has no harmful effect.

Other relevant standards

  • IEC 60068-2: A standard for environmental testing of electronic equipment and products to assess their ability to perform under environmental conditions including extreme cold and dry heat. The procedures below in this standard are typically intended for objects that achieve temperature stability during the test procedure.

    • IEC 60068-2-1: cold

    • IEC 60068-2-2: dry heat

    • IEC 60068-2-6: vibration (continuous)

    • IEC 60068-2-14: change of temperature

    • IEC 60068-2-27: shock

    • IEC 60068-2-64: vibration (broadband random)

    • IEC 60068-2-78: damp heat (steady state)

  • IEC 60825 Class I: A standard for ensuring that the kind of laser used in the laser focus module is safe under all conditions of normal use.

  • IEC TR 60721-3-5: classifies the environmental conditions of products that are installed in a ground vehicle but not part of the vehicle. Products such as communication systems, radios, and fare meters.

  • EN 50155: A standard for railway applications ensuring the safety, design, and operation of electronic equipment installed on rail vehicles, within scopes like temperature and humidity.

  • EN 61373: A standard for shock and vibration testing of rolling stock equipment used on railway applications. It assesses the adequacy and capability of equipment to withstand vibrations and shock, due to the railway operating environment.

  • MIL-STD-810H: A standard for products’ assessment ensuring they can withstand environmental conditions such as vibration, shock, humidity, dust, and low and high temperatures. The methods below are recreated to imitate the various environmental conditions.

    • 501.7: High Temperature

    • 502.7: Low Temperature

    • 505.7: Solar Radiation

    • 506.6: Rain

    • 507.6: Humidity

    • 509.7: Salt Fog

    • 512.6: Immersion

NEMA rating

NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) is a U.S. based association that provides standards for electrical equipment enclosures. NEMA has launched their own standard NEMA 250 worldwide. NEMA has also adopted and published a harmonizing IP standard, ANSI/IEC 60529, through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

NEMA 250 addresses ingress protection, but also considers other factors such as corrosion resistance, performance, and construction details. Because of this, NEMA type is comparable to IP, but IP is not comparable to NEMA.

UL standards UL 50 and UL 50E are based on the NEMA 250 standards. NEMA allows self-certification, while UL enforces compliance by demanding that products pass third-party testing and inspection.

NEMA ratings for enclosures in non-hazardous locations
NEMAEquivalent IP ratingIndoorOutdoorProtected against
Type 1IP10XAccess to hazardous parts and ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt). No protection against liquids.
Type 3IP54XXAccess to hazardous parts and ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt and windblown dust). Ingress of water (rain, sleet, snow). Will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure.
Type 3RIP14XXAccess to hazardous parts and ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt). Ingress of water (rain, sleet, snow). Will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure.
Type 3SIP54XXAccess to hazardous parts and ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt and windblown dust). Ingress of water (rain, sleet, snow). The external mechanisms remain operable when ice laden.
Type 4IP56XXAccess to hazardous parts and ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt and windblown dust). Ingress of water (rain, sleet, snow, splashing water, and hosedirected water). Will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure.
Type 4XIP56XXAccess to hazardous parts and ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt and windblown dust). Ingress of water (rain, sleet, snow, splashing water, and hosedirected water). Provides an additional level of protection against corrosion. Will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure.
Type 6IP67XXAccess to hazardous parts and ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt). Ingress of water (hose-directed water and the entry of water during occasional temporary submersion at a limited depth). Will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure.
Type 6PIP67XXAccess to hazardous parts and ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt). Ingress of water (hose-directed water and the entry of water during prolonged submersion at a limited depth). Provides an additional level of protection against corrosion. Will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure.
Type 12IP52XWithout knockouts. Access to hazardous parts and ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt and circulating dust, lint, fibers, and flings). Ingress of water (dripping and light splashing).
Type 12KIP52XWith knockouts. Access to hazardous parts and ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt and circulating dust, lint, fibers, and flings). Ingress of water (dripping and light splashing).
Type 13IP54XAccess to hazardous parts and ingress of sold foreign objects (falling dirt and circulating dust, lint, fibers, and flings.) Ingress of water (dripping and light splashing). Spraying, splashing, and seepage of oil and noncorrosive coolants.

NEMA TS 2 is a design guide that applies to traffic signaling equipment.

  • NEMA TS 2–2.2.7 Test Procedure: Transients, Temperature, Voltage, and Humidity

  • NEMA TS 2–2.2.8 Vibration Test

  • NEMA TS 2–2.2.9 Shock (Impact) Test

IK rating

IK ratings can be found in IEC/EN 62262, an international standard that specifies degrees of protection against external mechanical impact. Originally approved in 1994 as European standard EN 50102, it was adopted as an international standard in 2002.

Many manufacturers choose to test the weakest part of a product to ensure robustness through the product lifespan.

Impact energy (Joule)*
Mass (kg)<0.2<
Drop height (mm)5680140200280400400300200400

*Impact up to 50 J. Manufacturer must indicate energy, mass, and drop height of striking element.

Other approvals

Explosion protection

  • IEC/EN/UL/SANS/CSA 60079-0: general requirements for construction, testing and marking of Ex equipment and Ex components intended for use in explosive atmospheres.

  • IEC/EN/UL/SANS/CSA 60079-1: specific requirements for the construction and testing of electrical equipment with the type of protection flameproof enclosure “d”, intended for use in explosive gas atmospheres.

For a more complete list of standards and regulations for explosion protection, see certifications here

Approvals for midspans

For the cases where a midspan is included with the product, approvals specifically relating to the midspan are listed in this section of the datasheet. Explanations can be found in the previous sections of the current document.

Security in access control

  • UL 294: defines requirements regarding construction, performance, and operation of access control systems.


When a camera is installed in a potentially explosive environment, the housing must meet very specific safety standards. They should protect the environment from potential igniters from the camera and other equipment.

European products must comply with the ATEX directive, and the corresponding international standard is IECEx. North America mainly uses the Class/Division ratings by NFPA70 (National Electric Code, NEC) and CSA C22.1 (Canadian Electric Code, CEC) over the Zone system described in ATEX and IECEx.

Regulation / CertificationRegion / Country
CCC ExChina
cMETus / cULusCanada and USA
IA CertificationSouth Africa
IECExInternational certification of equipment used in hazardous areas
OSHA TaiwanTaiwan
Explosion protection ratings
Class / DivisionAtmosphereDefinitionZone (IECEx and ATEX)
Class I / Division 1GasArea in which explosive mixture is continuously present or present for long periods.Zone 0
Class I / Division 1GasArea in which an explosive mixture is likely to occur in normal operation.Zone 1
Class I / Division 2GasArea in which an explosive mixture is not likely to occur in normal operation and if it occurs, will exist only for a short time.Zone 2
Class II / Division 1DustArea in which explosive mixture is continuously present or present for long periods.Zone 20
Class II / Division 1DustArea in which an explosive mixture is likely to occur in normal operation.Zone 21
Class II / Division 2DustArea in which an explosive mixture is not likely to occur in normal operation and if it occurs, it will exist only for a short time.Zone 22


Power over Ethernet (PoE) classes

PoE classes ensure efficient power distribution by specifying the amount of power that a powered device (PD) will require.

PoE classes
ClassTypeGuaranteed power level at Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE)Maximum power level used by Powered Device (PD)
0Type 1, 802.3af15.4 W0.44 W - 12.95 W
1Type 1, 802.3af40.0 W0.44 W - 3.84 W
2Type 1, 802.3af7.0 W3.84 W - 6.49 W
3Type 1, 802.3af15.4 W6.49 W - 12.95 W
4Type 2, 802.3at*30 W12.95 W - 25.5 W
6Type 3, 802.3bt60 W51 W
8Type 3, 802.3bt100 W71.3 W

*This type is also referred to as PoE+.


Protection and security control

There are several ways to counter threats to system assets. Some threats pose risks to devices while others pose risks to networks or data in transit/storage. A few selected security controls that can be applied to devices and networks:

  • Credentials (user/password) protect unauthorized access to video and prevent unauthorized access to device configuration. Having different account privilege levels provides control of who has access to what.

  • IP address filtering (firewall) reduces the local network exposure of a device and thereby protects it from being accessible to unauthorized clients. This reduces risks in case a device password is compromised and it also mitigates risks in case a new critical vulnerability is discovered.

  • IEEE 802.1x: protects the network from unauthorized clients. 802.1x is a network infrastructure protection, using managed switches and RADIUS server. The 802.1x client in the device provides authentication to the device on the network.

  • HTTPS (Hypertext transfer protocol secure): protects data (video) from network eavesdropping. The use of signed certificates in HTTPS provides a way for a video client to detect whether it is accessing a legitimate camera or a malicious computer impersonating a camera.

  • Signed firmware: is implemented by the software vendor signing the firmware image with a private key, which is secret. When firmware has this signature attached to it, a device will validate the firmware before accepting and installing it. If the device detects that the firmware integrity is compromised, it will reject the firmware upgrade. Axis signed firmware is based on the industry-accepted RSA public-key encryption method.

  • Secure boot: a boot process that consists of an unbroken chain of cryptographically validated software, starting in immutable memory (boot ROM). Being based on signed firmware, secure boot ensures that a device can boot only with authorized firmware. Secure boot guarantees that the Axis device is completely clean from possible malware after resetting to factory default.

  • TPM: A trusted platform module is a component that provides a set of cryptographic features suitable for protecting information from unauthorized access. The private key is stored in the TPM and never leaves the TPM. All cryptographic operations requiring the use of the private key are sent to the TPM to be processed. This ensures that the secret part of the certificate remains safe even in the event of a security breach. 

  • Axis Edge Vault: a secure cryptographic compute module (secure module or secure element) in which the Axis device ID is securely and permanently installed and stored.

For access to more cybersecurity resources, see axis.com/cybersecurity

Supported protocols

Many protocols come into play when data is transferred securely from one networked device to another.

Protocol reference models

The best way to understand how the different protocols interact is to examine the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) communication model. There is also the TCP/IP reference model.

OSI reference model

A model that describes data communication between open systems. To provide a service, each layer utilizes the services of the layer immediately below it. Each layer must follow certain rules, or protocols, to perform services.

Layer 7 – Application

Makes functions such as web, file, and email transfer available to applications.

Actual applications, such as web browsers or email programs, exist above this layer and are not covered by the OSI model.

Layer 6 – Presentation (Data)

Ensures that data sent by the application layer of a system can be read by the application layer of another system. Converts system-dependent data formats, such as ASCII, into an independent format, permitting syntactically correct data exchange between different systems.

Layer 5 – Session (Persistent connection between peer hosts)

Provides an application-oriented service and takes care of the process communication between two systems. Process communication begins with the establishment of a session, which provides the basis for a virtual connection between two systems.

Layer 4 – Transport (End-to-end transport (connection-oriented protocol))

Provides reliable data transfer service (through flow control and error control) to Layer 5 and above.

Layer 3 – Network (Packet (addressing/fragmentation))

Performs the actual data transfer, by routing and forwarding data packets between systems. Creates and administrates routing tables and provides options for communicating beyond network boundaries. Data in this layer are assigned destination and source addresses, which are used as the basis for targeted routing.

Layer 2 – Data Link (Frames)

Provides data transmission and controls access to the transmission medium, by combining data into units known as frames. Layer 2 is divided into two sublayers, upper range corresponding to Logical Link Control (LLC) and the lower part corresponding to the media access control (MAC). LLC simplifies data exchange, while MAC controls access to the transmission medium.

Layer 1 – Physical (Bits)

Provides services that support the transmission of data as a bitstream over a medium, such as a wired or wireless transmission link.

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Reference Model

TCP/IP reference model is another model used to understand protocols and how communication takes place. The TCP/IP reference model falls into four different layers which correspond to the OSI reference model as below.

Reference models comparison
OSI modelTCP/IP model
Layer 7 – ApplicationLayer 4 – Application
Layer 6 – Presentation
Layer 5 – Session
Layer 4 – TransportLayer 3 – Transport
Layer 3 – NetworkLayer 2 – Internetwork
Layer 2 – Data LinkLayer 1 – Network Interface
Layer 1 – Physical

Application layer protocols

  • CIFS/SMB (Common Internet File System/Server Message Block): mainly used for providing shared access to files, printers, and serial ports and miscellaneous communications between nodes on a network.

  • DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System): is used to keep track of a domain name’s link to changing IPv4 addresses.

  • DHCPv4/v6 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol): automatic assignment and management of IP addresses.

  • DNS/DNSv6 (Domain Name System): converts domain names into their associated IP address.

  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol): primarily used to transmit files from a server to a client (download) or from a client to a server (upload). Can also be used to create and select directories and rename or delete directories and files.

  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): primarily used to load text and images from a website to web browser. Network video systems provide an HTTP server service that permits access to the systems through web browsers, for downloading configurations or live images.

  • HTTP/2: a major revision to the HTTP protocol defined in RFC 7540 and released in February 2015.

  • HTTPS (HTTP Secure): an adaptation of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for secure communication over a computer network and is widely used on the Internet. In HTTPS, the communication protocol is encrypted by Transport Layer Security (TLS).

  • MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport): a standard messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT). It was designed for simplified IoT integration and is used in a wide variety of industries to connect remote devices with a small code footprint and minimal network bandwidth.

  • NTP (Network Time Protocol): used to synchronize the time of a computer client or server to another server.

  • RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol): permits the transfer of real-time data between system endpoints.

  • RTCP (Real-Time Control Protocol): provides out-of-band statistics and control information for an RTP session. It partners with RTP in the delivery and packaging of multimedia data but does not transport any media data itself.

  • RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol): extended control over the transmission of real-time media.

  • SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol): provides file access, file transfer, and file management over any reliable data stream.

  • SIP (Session Initiation Protocol): communication protocol for signaling and controlling multi-media communications sessions.

  • SIPS (Session Initiation Protocol Secure): encrypted version of SIP.

  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): the standard for transferring email over the internet. Network cameras support SMTP to allow the sending of email alerts.

  • SNMPv1/v2/v3 (Simple Network Management Protocol): used to remotely monitor and manage networked equipment such as switches, routers, and network cameras. SNMP support allows network cameras to be managed by open source tools.

  • SOCKS: permits the transfer of network packets between clients and servers through a remote network proxy.

  • SRTP (Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol): permits encrypted transfer of real-time data between system endpoints, and is therefore a secure variant of RTP.

  • SSH (Secure Shell): permits management and debug access to network devices securely over an unsecured network.

  • TLSv1.2/v1.3 (Transport Layer Security): negotiates a private, reliable connection between the client and the server.

Transport layer protocols

  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): connection-oriented, reliable, and in-order delivery of data streams. Most common protocol for data transport.

  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol): connectionless transmission service, favors timely delivery of data over reliability.

  • ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol): send error messages and operational information indicating that a requested service is not available or that a host or router could not be reached.

Network layer protocols

  • IGMPv1/v2/v3 (Internet Group Management Protocol): used by hosts and adjacent routers on IPv4 networks to establish multicast group memberships, allows more efficient use of resources when supporting these types of applications.

  • IPv4/IPv6 (Internet Protocol): an individual public address necessary for internet-enabled devices to communicate. IPv4 is the original version, and it uses 32-bit addresses. IPv6 is the most recent version, and it uses 128-bit addresses that are divided into eight groups of four hexadecimal digits.

  • USGv6: a technical standards profile for IPv6 defined by the US Government to ensure compatibility when procuring IPv6 enabled network devices.

Discovery protocols

  • mDNS (Bonjour): can be used to discover network video products using Mac computers, or as a discovery protocol for new devices in any network.

  • UPnP (Universal Plug and Play): Microsoft operating systems can automatically detect resources (Axis device) on a network.

  • Zeroconf: automatically allocates a network device to an unused IP address from the range of to

Quality of Service

In an IP network it is necessary to control how network resources are shared to fulfill the requirements of each service.

  • QoS (Quality of Service): ability to prioritize network traffic so that critical flows can be served before flows with less priority. Greater reliability in a network by controlling the amount of bandwidth an application can use and providing the ability to control bandwidth competition between applications.

  • DiffServ : network tries to deliver a specific service based on the QoS specified by each packet.

Data transmission methods

There are three different methods for transmitting data on a computer network.

  • Unicast: most common, sender and recipient communicate on a point-to-point basis. Data packers are sent only to one recipient, and no other clients will receive that information.

  • Multicast: communication between a single sender and multiple receivers on a network. Reduces network traffic by delivering a single stream of information to many recipients.

  • Broadcast: sender sends the same information to all other servers on a network, all hosts on the network receive the message and will process it to some extent.